OK, let's get all the coronavirus conspiracy theories out on the table.
Put on your Darth Vader helmet for a moment and play the part where you're part one of the few ruling members of the CCP.
Now forget all the possible theories suggesting this was intentional for a moment and let's say it was an accident.
With my Darth helmet on, I'm now looking for ways to make lemonade out of this.... and holy shit! This is a gold mine of intel and opportunity!
1. Military intel. If we shut down major parts of our exporting industries, what products go into shortage across the globe? What resources did we consume? What time tables were successful? What were our costs politically and materially? What new strategies and solutions were born under this duress? How did others react to our aggressive actions? Where are the weak links? Where were the heavily traveled paths?
2. Domination. How effective were our attempts to contain and control massive populations both here and across the globe in captive quarantines? Where were the problems created?
3. Politics. What impact has this had on our and the rest of the world's population regarding their opinions of us, our products, our methods, our ideologies, and our strength? Can we use anything from this to win more support from our people and the world?
4. Soft totalitarianism. Can we use anything from this to advance "warfare without a shot" tactics and power? Can we use anything from this to solve the problems we have in our country and around the world?
2. Domination. How effective were our attempts to contain and control massive populations both here and across the globe in captive quarantines? Where were the problems created?
3. Politics. What impact has this had on our and the rest of the world's population regarding their opinions of us, our products, our methods, our ideologies, and our strength? Can we use anything from this to win more support from our people and the world?
4. Soft totalitarianism. Can we use anything from this to advance "warfare without a shot" tactics and power? Can we use anything from this to solve the problems we have in our country and around the world?
OK, there is probably much more here. But my heart is starting to turn cold and black so let's stop here for now and consider some of the possibilities. Remember, the CCP believes its people are of value as a resource, not as individuals or as humans. So considering that, some really dark things come into view. Just be evil for a moment and think...
For example, did you notice how this almost completely overnight shut down the huge conflict that was brewing between mainland China and Hong Kong? Hmmmm... that worked well...
Taking medical face masks for example, or broader -electronics manufacturing, being able to create world shortages of various products and services because so many have crucial industries have consolidated under the control of Mainland China in the last 20 years, how can we influence markets and politics in the rest of the world by creating artificial shortages for these crucial products components and service with epidemic outbreaks be they real or faked?
Or, imagine we needed to eliminate a vast quantity of bodies (from malevolent causes - think genocide for a minute) by incineration. What more perfect way to cover both the reasons for the construction and use of production scale human incinerators than an epidemic outbreak?
Save the world from global warming? Sure... we can do that by making a big reduction in the number of humans on the planet. Every year, cases of flu cull off swaths of the elderly and other weak humans, causing a reduction in the population. It just needs a little more help this year... Oh and as a bonus, we've warmed up the rest of the world to the idea of mandatory vaccinations. This gives us the ability to have programmed population control!
OK, I just about vomited in my mouth. But maybe you get the idea... its a wonderland of possibilities for the malevolent mind that possesses power and control with the desire for more of both (ehem, "1,000 year plan" CCP).